Why Is It Important to Know Your Garden Style?

garden landscaping services Dubai

Most certainly, you can tell a friend about your home’s style, your interior design style, and the cars you prefer — but do you know about your garden style? Many homeowners don’t know how to characterize their garden style, according to landscape professionals.

Modern, Cottage, Classic, Eclectic, Formal, Tropical, Southwestern, and Naturalistic are the eight basic categories Al-Farhan Landscape divides garden styles under. With the correct style furniture and design, you can achieve a variety of subcategories. Understanding your preferences for various styles might assist you in designing and coordinating your space – or in effectively communicating your style and vision to your designer.

Understanding your garden style is an important step in creating a setting that you and your family will enjoy. Why?

garden landscaping services dubai

Knowing your garden style might assist you in making the best plant choices.

It’s easier to choose plants that fit your garden style if you or your designer are aware of it. Affordable Landscape Design Service Dubai know how to combine plants together to generate a specific garden aesthetic. This approach will be made easier if you can communicate clearly with your designer.

Gardens that Match Your Personality

Every space that crosses a landscape designer’s desk is as unique as each of their clients. The best landscapes are not only gorgeous, but they also fit well with your life. As a result, knowing your lifestyle is essential to knowing your landscape design. Depending on how you use your area and who uses it, your designer will approach a formal or eclectic garden differently. The design process will go more smoothly if you have the words to convey both.

Garden Maintenance

garden landscaping services Dubai

Knowing your garden style can also help you plan out a maintenance schedule. All landscapes require some level of upkeep. What it involves, however, is highly dependent on your personal style objectives. To keep lines look neat, a modern row of ornamental grasses may need to be chopped down a number of times per season. A naturalistic garden, on the other hand, may look to be unruly, but it actually requires a deep weeding a few times a season to keep unwanted plants at bay.

Maintenance is an important and continuous component of the design of your home, so creating a system that matches your aesthetic is essential. Al-Farhan garden landscaping services dubai is ready to help you.

Updating an Inherited Yard and Landscape

Unless you’re moving into a brand-new construction, you’ll be buying a house from a former owner. The majority of homeowners begin by updating the inside. Perhaps the walls are a questionably bright color, the cabinetry isn’t to your taste, or something else simply doesn’t feel right. While we are ready to refresh interiors with our own unique touch, we should do the same with our landscapes! You don’t have to retain that difficult-to-tame creeping juniper simply because it’s always been there. Taking out plants you don’t like and leaving a blank space in your yard can sometimes let you visualize a whole new appearance for your yard — one that is more in line with your own aesthetic. A garden can represent your taste just as much as the upgraded floors you knew you wanted to replace as soon as you moved home.

Your Ever-Changing Garden

Every design can benefit from a makeover now and then! Having a specific style in mind might help you stay on track as your garden grows. Whether you need to replace a single shrub that died unexpectedly or want to give your garden a complete makeover, knowing your garden style can be a very useful tool in guiding you through these adjustments.

How Do You Know What Garden Style You Have?

Al-Farhan Landscape designers want to help you create a room that you adore and that matches your personal style and home. That’s why, before moving forward with your design, we’d like to inspect your space in real time through video call and discuss some key aspects with you. You may figure out your garden style by doing a few things on your own time:

Take a walk

Take a walk around your neighborhood and see what you can find that inspires you! Make a mental note of what you don’t like as well. Plants, plant colors, walkways, house colors, and more are all included.

Pinterest Landscape Browsing

Look through social media sites like Pinterest to find what styles you like. Al-Farhan Landscape has entertaining Pinterest boards for various styles and locations of the United States. You can also look at home design websites such as Houzz!

Quiz on Al-Farhan Landscape Garden Style

To better understand your style, needs, wants, and constraints, we created a style quiz and client questionnaire. There are no cookie-cutter landscapes to be found here. Send us photos of your favorite gardens, ask us about form and complexity, and show us a color palette that reflects your personality! We’re here to assist you in determining your personal style and translating it into a beautiful, functional space.

Here are a few things we think about when incorporating your style into a cohesive landscape:

  • Plant palette
  • Paving materials
  • Layout
  • Lines
  • Lifestyle
  • Climate
  • Maintenance
  • Structure
  • References